Merit Automotive Electronics Systems, global supplier of modules and mechatronic complex switchers, opened its operation plants in the Palmares Industrial Park in Matamoros, Tamaulipas. This project is of Chinese and European capital, and their world sales are calculated by 70 billion dollars. At the official opening ceremony were present high executives from the consortium such […]
Los Palmares Industrial Park receives a new company with Chinese and European capital
Merit Automotive Electronics Systems, proveedor global de módulos e interruptores mecatrónicos complejos para la industria automotriz, inauguró su planta de operaciones en el Parque Industrial Los Palmares en Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Download PDF
Parque Industrial Los Palmares recibe a nueva empresa de capital chino y europeo
December 19, 2018
Llega Merit al Parque Industrial Los Palmares
La empresa de origen chino, MERIT, dedicada al sector automotriz, dio el banderazo a sus operaciones en su nueva planta construida por SIDEE y ubicada dentro de su Parque Industrial Los Palmares, el viernes 7 de diciembre. Download PDF
Llega Merit al Parque Industrial Los Palmares
October 16, 2018
RSTEC holds its first ever board meeting in Mexico
Rio South Texas Economic Council recently held its first ever board meeting in Mexico and in the process learned a lot about economic development projects underway in Matamoros, Tamaulipas. RSTEC chose to hold its meeting in the La Cancillería restaurant in Matamoros because the first member from Mexico to join the group, industrial site developer […]
RSTEC holds its first ever board meeting in Mexico
October 16, 2018
SIDEE becomes first Mexican company to join RSTEC
The director of new business development and marketing at Servicios Inmobiliarios para el Desarrollo Exportador (SIDEE) has explained why his company joined the Rio South Texas Economic Council. In fact, he said his interest came about through reading an economic development story in the Rio Grande Guardian. “I believe it was a February article in this […]
SIDEE becomes first Mexican company to join RSTEC
August 13, 2018
Matamoros Little League headed to World Series
SIDEE is proud to support Matamoros Little League as they head to the 2018 Little League Baseball World Series in Williamsport, PA. The Matamoros Little League from Tamaulipas, Mexico, will be heading to Williamsport, Pennsylvania this August as the representative of the Mexico Region following a 5-3 victory over last year’s representative, Guadalupe Treviño Kelly […]
Matamoros Little League headed to World Series
May 22, 2018
Merit Automotive to start operations in May
Merit Automotive, a Spanish – Chinese company, will be starting operations in Los Palmares Industrial Park in Matamoros, Tam. in May. The total settlement will consist of three phases according to Juan Jose de la Garza, General Manager of Merit Automotive in Matamoros. The company, dedicated to the mechatronic industry, will occupy a 150,000 sq. […]
Merit Automotive to start operations in May
May 25, 2016
Rinda Frutos Alianza Toyoda Gosei y SIDEE
Con una inversión inicial de 55 millones de dólares y la generación de 135 empleos para su arranque; la empresa nipona, Toyoda Gosei Irapuato México, S.A. de C.V. (TGIMX), inauguró sus operaciones en el Parque Industrial Castro del Río de Irapuato el pasado 13 de mayo. Download PDF
Rinda Frutos Alianza Toyoda Gosei y SIDEE